and what we love about this new product is that if you put in the work you will reap the benefits. If you rent out two of your 360 photo booths (3 hour rentals each) every weekend you will make roughly $12k per month. With just two 360 platforms it is possible to make a 6 figure yearly income!! So what do we suggest you do? When you start to get double and triple booked, buy more platforms to scale your business. Your investment will be FULLY PAID OFF! Plus extra on the side for some Starbucks. 😋
Make your money back in just 2 to 3 events! The average rental for the 360 photo booths is around $500 per hour! 🤑 If you know how to record a video on Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat then the 360 photo booth software will be super easy for you to figure out. The Revo Round is extremely easy to transport and setup so you can be in and out of your event in minutes. Experience the 360 revolution with the most portable 360 photo booth in the market.